I am grateful for going through this transition 2022. I know that not everyone knows how to support or walk along side of me or even know how lonely and difficult this year has been. I have kept much of it to myself as I have been in an incubation or a cocoon stage.
I am walking away from what I have known into a place of unknown. It’s a place where the universe lovingly assists in the shedding process where it is possible to learn many things. Here is what I have experienced while being in the place called the void:
throwing big fat temper tantrums!!
seeing the truth, my truth
letting go of old beliefs that don’t work anymore
making friends with fear and seeing the lessons underneath it
stepping into the unknown
testing new things out
reconnecting with spirit
accepting instead of resisting what is
choosing to surrender instead of control
recognizing that only I know what is best for me
developing my intuitive guidance system
forgiving myself
accepting the truth of who I am and loving what I see
embodying self first, knowing it is not self ish
letting go of what does not align and support what I am becoming
seeing the beauty and magic of synchronicity
having faith in divine timing
no longer comparing myself to others
taking responsibility for my energy and healing the places where it leaks
realizing that the heart is the manifestor not the mind
seeing that challenges and triggers are here for my expansion
I would not have been able to get where I am going without stepping through this void. This is the work and it’s beautiful to look back and see just how far I have come. Courageously shifting into a new way of being. Feeling the future as if it is now. Learning how to BE.
I am loving the beauty of life and the surprises that are already on the way.