Sometimes it gets tough to really shine your light. There are struggles with self-confidence, feeling unworthy, having thoughts about not being good enough running through your mind. These are all things that tend to dim your light and allow you to stay hidden. It is a way to avoid too much attention. Keeping things in control, or so we think.
The problem is, people begin searching for something. They know deep down inside that there is more, there is a higher calling, a bigger purpose and it begins to chip away slowly at what we think is the life we are supposed to be living. Who told us what life was supposed to be like for us? This is ingrained in us from when we are little kids. It comes from our family, our culture and the society around us. We pick up the norms in our work environment. In order to fit in, we conform. Conformity dims the light.
One day we wake up and realize we have disconnected from ourselves. We've been sleep walking through life and we wonder how did this happen? It's normal to fall into a routine. To think this is what everyone thinks as having built a great life. I have the house, the kids, the job, the spouse or partner, the vacations, but something isn't right. My life is good, and yet I am still unhappy.
This is the signal that the light within you is looking for a way to shine brighter. To bring you to your magnificence. To play. To find joy. To pleasure your senses. To connect to your inner coach. To follow your intuition. To love and accept yourself fully and unconditionally. To shed the thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you.
The road is usually not an easy one to travel, but the scenery is fantastic. The lessons provide growth. There is purpose and happiness when you are shining your light. The darkness fades way. Hope returns. Loves leads the way. Follow your heart and see where it takes you.
