Truth about Projectors:
Projectors are inherent healers with their voices, protected by spirit. Read that again. Projectors are INHERENT HEALERS with their VOICES, PROTECTED by SPIRIT.
This is why they need recognition and invitation. Because their voice carries frequencies that are specific to them. It is part of the magic and magnetism. The voice can only deliver the message without distortion or noise if the Projector has done the clearing work to purify the frequencies, tune into their station (like a radio), and come from a place of truth (connection). Otherwise, the message is distorted and staticky. This is why stories are so important, choosing the words that are empowering having such an impact. Hence Projectors having the limitation on their throat center! To ONLY offer this healing to those who are ready to receive it. The words carry vibrational energy, sound healing.
It is not a curse, but a BLESSING from spirit. It PROTECTS the valuable energy of the Projector and it targets only those who are capable of receiving these powerful transmissions (Yes - energetic transmissions through the voice!).
We Projectors are a Channel of Divine Wisdom. We need to be able to conduct our mission and life's work from a place of clarity and grounding.
For Projectors, it is not just our aura, it's about what comes out of our mouth.
Is it pure like the colors of the rainbow (think chakras) following the storm cloud or is it a shit storm, stinky, sticky, and gross?
When Projectors are CLEAR about who we are, that is when the miracles show up! Clarity comes from clearing out the shit. Shed the shit and receive the miracles that are waiting for you. Be the energetic match to the success that you are meant to live.
~Spreading love from the Council of Elders