Energy is everywhere except it hasn't really made it into the mainstream conversations of business or the everyday interactions with people. I want to change that!
Energy is part of everything we do. It is constantly moving and we ourselves are energetic beings. What many people don't realize is that we have a frequency. Each one of us is emitting energy at every moment. This energy is felt by others. Whatever is happening on the inside is what is sent out into the world. The world is kind enough to give us a mirror by showing us what is happening inside of us by expressing it in the outside world. I say "kind" because it is how I choose to see the universe supporting us. Showing us what we perhaps don't like so that we can take a look at ourself and clean it up. This isn't really woo woo. It is actually scientific. Heart resonance can be measured. Brain waves can be measured. Each person has an electromagnetic signal that is measurable.
David Hawkins measured the frequency of emotions and was able to create a chart that visualizes this concept of emotional energy. The challenge most of us face is that we spend most of our time resonating in the lower range of emotional frequencies: fear, guilt, worry, anger, apathy just to name a few. This emotional frequency, when sent out into the world around us, brings more circumstances and situations to reinforce these frequencies. If life is a hard struggle, then maybe it's time to look inside and determine what energy are you emitting.
Let's make energy a little more practical by using the scale David Hawkins developed. If you find yourself unhappy with what is happening around you, then take a look at the chart showing the scale from 0-1000. What emotions are present for the majority of your day? What color are you spending the majority of your time in? You can meditate on this or journal - ask your higher self "What is my baseline frequency?" You can use muscle testing, sway testing, or even a pendulum to confirm or validate this number. This is your starting point. You have the power to adjust it now that you are aware of it.
My number came back lower than I like, what do I do about it? This is where the real work begins. The way to raise this number is through shedding the shit! It is time to start energy healing and releasing techniques. This is referred to as raising your vibration. It isn't hard, it just takes practice and a bit of a commitment. Emotional energy is always moving unless it gets interrupted, to if you are experiencing an emotion, then just allow it to move through you without judgement. It takes about 90 seconds for the emotion to flow. If you have it longer, then you are probably in a habit of giving it meaning or replaying it over and over. Again, emotions are just energy in motion. As we learn that we are not our emotions and they are actually our magnet, then we can choose what frequency of a magnet we want to carry around with us. This allows us to flow more freely with life instead of fighting against it.
Energy work as many different flavors like Emotion Code, Emotional Freedom Technique, breath work, hypnotherapy, Reiki energy healing, guided meditation, spending time in nature, body work, art therapy, etc. There are many, many options available.
I am here with you! I invite you to connect if you would like specialized support for your
